Minutes from the January 7, 2007 meeting held at Canine Mastery in Seekonk, MA.

Members Present

Jean Janotta, Dottie Duclos, Pete Dolan, Gull Reidy, Brenda Dean,  Kathie Chouinard, Keli Gaunt, Janet Steeger, Lyn Scribner, Susan Winters, Kaylene Scotton, Dennis Witham, Robin Gardell, Karen Miller, Lorretta King, Donna Hakala, Ann Chace, Debra Keach-Tomes, Paula Andrus, Kathy Buckley, Dianne McCormick, Don McCormick, John Andrade, Lisa Andrade, Donna Johnson, Sharon Ruppel, Cindy Booth, Kelly Dalke, Heather Braddock, Diane Johnson,  Robin Goodman, Dianne Barrett

Guests present:

Jim Helems, Don Kipp

President Jean Janotta called the meeting to order at 12:25 pm with a Happy New Year and thanks for making the trip, followed by introductions.

Secretary's Report – Gull Reidy

>Acceptance of the minutes from the November 5, 2006 meeting at Dr. Matt Mason's will be held until the March meeting as many members had not yet received their NEA newsletter.

Treasurer's Report – Dottie Duclos

Affiliate Report - Sheila Dolan

ASCA Board of Directors Report - Linda Gray - representative not present

Committee Reports - no representatives present

Library Report - Cindy King - representative not present

Sunshine Report - Jean Janotta

Event Updates:


New Members – Kathie Chouinard

2007 ASCA Nationals - Augusta, NJ - September 29 - October 6, 2007 – Pete Dolan

ASCNE website – Robin Goodman

New ASCNE ROM proposal – Jean Janotta

Versatility/Performance Proposal

Because the ROM is a program that affects all members, it was thought that everyone should be able to discuss and vote on potential changes.   The ASCA and ASCNE requirements for versatility and performance do not match.  They are not required to, however Sheila Dolan made a proposal to bring ASCNE's awards more in line with ASCA's.  The proposal (included in the last and this issue of the NEA) was distributed to facilitate discussion.  A lot of discussion followed.  Some points of concern were:  acknowledging dogs that did well but did not have the opportunity to do stock, acknowledging dogs who did well but were not going to meet the conformation requirements.  Some points of ASCNE's ROM requirements are:  dogs are only allowed one ROM award,  ASCNE's awards do not have to be certain levels (such as a Started duck leg or an Open agility Q), points have not been implemented in calculations for the Versatility or Performance ROMS so far.  

Inclusion of Pre-National/National Points for ROM

The discussion on not using the Nationals and pre-shows was because it was felt a lot of people didn't get the chance to go to the Nationals and competing against such a large number of dogs at one show made the calculations unfair.  Some people felt that winning at the Nationals was harder and you should be rewarded for doing so well.  ROM calculations for 2006 will still use the Nationals and pre-shows.  There was confusion with members over the implementation date of not including pre-National and National points for ROM from the September minutes - Jean will check with MaryAnn about waiving the 30 day period because of the rule change notice in the September newsletter.  For ASCNE shows, you do not have to submit your ROM points.  You do have to submit your information for non-ASCNE shows.

The policy on number of dogs beat for calculation of points also needs to be clarified and addressed.  Most of the ROM's do not use number of dogs beat for their calculations, although Conformation does. 

New Type of ROM Award

It was asked if we have a lifetime achievement type award for dogs that do well over a period of time, but not necessarily all in one year.  Another suggestion was for another level of ROM for dogs that earned titles, not just legs.   If people are interested in forming a group to put together proposals, see Jean.  It was also asked if the rules should allow a clause if Rally ever becomes an ASCNE program.  Jean felt in that case it would only need some tweaking.

March meeting items

Proposed ROM Versatility/Performance Change for voting

Versatility - The dog/bitch must be shown in Conformation, Stock and 1 other event: Tracking, Obedience or Agility in the calendar year and receive qualifying scores/winners, reserve, best of breed, or best opposite sex to qualify for the award.

Performance - The dog/bitch must be shown in Stock and 2 other venues: Tracking, Obedience or Agility in the calendar year and must receive qualifying scores in Stock and the other 2 venues to qualify for the award.  (Requires a qualifying leg on Stock and removes conformation as a performance event)

Achievement - The dog/bitch must receive qualifying scores/winners, reserve, best of breed, or best opposite sex in at least 3 of the following venues in the calendar year to qualify for the award:  Conformation, Stock, Tracking, Obedience or Agility.

Inclusion/exclusion of points earned at pre-National and National events

Other ROM award proposals

Honorary Membership Committee – Jean Janotta

New Membership Secretary – Jean Janotta

AKC Conflict of Interest Policy – Sue Winters

Rescue Contacts in Recent Newsletter – Jean Janotta


Membership Applications - Kathie Chouinard

Michele Betit

Brenda Dean

1475 Horn of the Moon Rd

Kathie Chouinard

Montpelier, VT 05602


ASCA #116321


Stephanie Brown

Sandra Landry

19 Webster St

Denise Darlington

Allenstown, NH 03275


ASCA #111348


Sharon Concannon

Kathy Hubbard

11 Abbot Ave

Kelen Geiger

Leominster, MA 01453


ASCA #100333


James & Deresa Helems

Robin Gardell

53 Gunn Rd

Emmy Adasiewicz

Southampton, MA 01073


ASCA #207568


Jan Marcotte

Matt Mason

124 Anita Drive

Teresa Andrews

Pittsfield, MA. 01201


ASCA #123005


Kathy Peloquin

Heather Braddock

295 Regency Drive

Karen Miller

Marstons Mills, MA.02648


ASCA #124965


Ring gates                                             

Bowl call - Karen Miller

GSASA Schedule – Jean Janotta

The following show schedule information was received from GSASA:

Breeder referral - Susan Winters

Alcohol at shows


The meeting was adjourned at 1:50pm.

The next meeting will be March 4, 2007at the Log Cabin Restaurant in Holyoke, MA.

Respectfully submitted,

Gull Reidy, Secretary