Minutes from the July 9, 2006 meeting held at Silver City Training Center in Taunton, Ma.
Members Present: Jean Janotta, Dottie Duclos, Gull Reidy, Brenda Dean, Susan Winters, Dianne Barrett, Kathie Chouinard, Bill Haggis, Cindy King, William L. Pechka-King, Loretta King, Paula Andrus, Joey Mason, Jackie Owens, Linda Gray
Guests present: Andrea Couse
The meeting was called to order at 12:20 pm by President Jean Janotta and started with introductions.
o Minutes from the March meeting were accepted as printed in the New England Aussie Newsletter.
o ASCNE Treasury - $ 24,301.82
o Rescue Treasury - $ 2740.54
o 2007 Nationals - $ 8320.25
o Rescue show - March 17, 18 & 19 – Income - $5207.10; Expenses - $2291.65; Profit - $2915.45; Donation to ARPH - $2026.64; Donation to ASHGI - $860.55
o Intro to herding - April 22 – Income - $990; Expenses - $906.70; Profit - $83.30
o Stock clinic w/ Jim Hartnagle - April 29 & 20 – Income - $2920; Expenses - $2767.04; Profit - $152.96
o Agility Trial – May 27 & 28 – Income - $8137; Expenses - $6380.80; Profit - $1756.20
o Stock Clinics w/ Bob Vest – June – Income - $5850; Expenses - $5105.19; Profit - $744.81
o Colors of Summer - June 10 & 11 – Income - $4819; Expenses - $4027.25; Profit - $791.75
o Stock Trial – June 18 – Income - $1285; Expenses - $1121.87; Profit - $163.13
Representative not present (because she's in Montana - lucky duck)
Jean read some highlights from the ASCA website:
o Committees seeking resumes- DNA & Genetics (2), HOF starting up again, Rally
o The ASCA Board decided at their April Meetings that Committee resumes are being sought for all Committees at all times. Even if there aren’t openings, we will hold them until the next Nationals so that you can be considered at that time to fill the Committee for which you have applied! If you are interested in serving on any ASCA Committee, please send your resume to Executive Secretary, Jo Kimes
o Executive Director Debbie Cosper is on board
o The cost for ASCA DNA tests is now $40. Therion charges $30 for every test, and the kits cost ASCA® $5. This was raised $5 to cover the cost for the Office to process, create, and mail the certificates to those who use the program. This cost has been subsidized by ASCA since the inception of the program.
o Linda Gray reported the minutes are now on the ASCA website. Jean passed around copies of minutes from the May and June ASCA BOD meetings.
o In the interest of time and because of limited Representatives present, committee reports were not given.
o The library was available for anyone interested.
o Cindy asked if she could purchase Karen Pryor's "Don't Shoot the Dog" that a member has requested. Money earmarked for library purchases is still available so Cindy will acquire the book.
o Suzanne Natale's husband Rick died July 6 in an auto accident on the Mass Pike. In the past the club has donated $250 to a charity of choice. This will be done after arrangements are known.
o Karin Bundy just had surgery for a badly broken leg.
o Wendy Dryer is recovering from surgery for a ruptured cervical disk, C5-C6.
o Mary Ann Stoddart is laid up with a ripped open shin that required 25 stitches and then 2 hospitalizations when it got infected.
o CA Sharp seminar - August 20 - Linda Gray - There are about 37 people signed up so far. There will not be a blood draw as it is too hot in August to leave dogs in cars and there are no facilities for bringing dogs inside. Cindy King wanted to know how we could get the cancer survey out to people. It was decided it was too many pages for the newsletter but a link will be added to the ASCNE website.
o The August stock trial in Webster, NH, is completely full.
o There will be a tracking test October 8, 2006 at Robin Prouty's farm. Plotting will take place on Saturday and they could use tracklayers.
o Harvest Moon Mania - Jean reported the premium will be out shortly and entries open mid-August.
o A site is needed for the November meeting. Jean will check with Matt and Cindy King will look into a new training facility in Griswald, CT.
o The following were accepted as new members: Tonya Colby, Mark Colucci, Jonathan & Aline Hoadley, Jim Landry, Michele Payton, Kathleen St. Charles, Janet Steeger
o A logo has been selected from the 8 or 9 submitted. The logo depicts 4 Aussies in a 57 Chevy. Linda Gray suggested the logo get passed by the ASCA attorney to insure no copyright infringements with use of the Chevy logo
o The next nationals meeting will be September 9, 2006.
Name | Sponsor |
Dawn K. Kirby | Sponsors: Corinne Cross & Kathy Hubbard |
ASCA #123251 | |
Michael & Ellen Kurdzo | Sponsors: Jean Janotta & Sheila Dolan |
ASCA #205696 | |
Arthur & Carol Landry | Sponsors: Teresa Andrews & Matt Mason |
ASCA #207207 | |
Paddy Marcotte | Sponsors: Jean Janotta & Nini Bloch |
ASCA #505893 | |
Richard & Andrea Couse | Sponsors: Dottie Duclos & Brenda Dean |
ASCA #207192 | |
Melissa & Suzanne Zilembo | Sponsors: Sandra Landry & Keli Gaunt |
ASCA #207381 | |
Raul Laborde | Sponsors: Loretta King & Donna Hakala |
ASCA #124148 | |
Kaylene Scotton (Junior member) | Sponsors: Sue Winters |
ASCA #_Pending | |
Membership applications with ASCA # pending will be put on hold. |
o January 7 – Meeting – Canine Mastery – Sue Winters to reserve location
o February show - In anticipation of the AKC ruling about AKC judges not judging other venues making it difficult to find Obedience judges, Susan Winters and Brenda Dean proposed combining the February and March shows. See March Rescue proposal.
o March 4 – Annual Meeting & ROM Banquet – Log Cabin, Holyoke, MA – Mary Ann and Joe Stoddart
o March 16, 17 & 18 – Rescue Show –Taunton, MA - A tentative schedule for the Rescue show is Breed on Friday night, two Breed shows on Saturday, one breed show on Sunday morning, only one Obedience trial taking place on Sunday afternoon. It was asked if we would lose even more obedience entries by limiting our Obedience trials. It was also mentioned that some people from further away might be inclined to enter if they were trying to qualify for Nationals. Cindy King will look into the new facility in Griswald, CT for another possible Obedience trial. Brenda stated that the Chinese Auction will still take place on Sunday for the Rescue show.
o March/Early April – Cattle Clinic with Roger Stevens - Matt Mason proposed this clinic. It would be indoor at Riverfare Farm in Webster, NH. There is also the possibility of a duck trial if there is interest. Give Matt a holler.
o April – Tracking Clinic – Celeste Kelly is investigating
o April – Intro to Herding – CT – Tenley Dexter
o Late April – sheep/duck clinic with Jim Hartnagle – Matt is proposing a little different format, possibly an intro lecture and demonstrations on Friday night for a couple of hours and then splitting the arena and doing a run order according to abilities of dogs and handlers.
o May 26 & 27 – ASCA Agility Trial – Contoocook, NH – Jean Janotta
o June 9 & 10 – Colors of Summer – Auburn, MA – Keli Gaunt
o Early June – Bob Vest Stock Clinics – CT – Tenley Dexter
o July 8 – meeting
o July 27, 28, 29 – Moose-a-Mania – Skowhegan, ME - There was a suggestion to do ASCA agility at Moose-a-Mania instead of CPE. It was decided that nothing would change for 2007 but perhaps discuss it with the CPE folks to plan for a change over for 2008.
o August 11 & 12 - Stock trial – Webster, NH - Matt is considering hiring two judges as this year's trial completely filled
o November Breed & Obedience – Fran is not planning on hosting this event in 2007 – other takers?
o Jean asked how to solicit other members to host a trial. It was suggested that job descriptions might help so people would realize what was involved, or perhaps if people were mentored by more those with experience then they would feel more confident about doing one themselves. It was also stated that if events aren’t happening and people want them, they’ll step up.
o Ballots were passed out and club members voted for 3 Board members as well as should the Hardship Registry remain open and where the Working Description should be placed.
o The three Board members chosen were: Cindy King, Lynn Fremuth and Patrick F. MacRoberts.
o The club voted "closed" for the Hardship Registry
o Recommended placement for the Working Description: an Appendix of the ASCA Stockdog Trialing Guidelines, as an Appendix of ASCA Stockdog Rules and Regulations and "other" (the website was mentioned as an other).
o This was brought up for discussion. Sue Winters said surprisingly judges are really leery to cross the line, so it is becoming very difficult to find judges. They’re trying to find ASCA breed judges who are also obedience judges. Linda indicated there wasn’t much ASCA could really do and there is a Professional Judges group that is filing a complaint against AKC.
o There is also some effort underway to ‘grow’ ASCA obedience judges – Kelen Geiger is investigating becoming a judge.
o In keeping with past years it was voted to send $500 to the Stock finals earmarked for expenses, $125 to the Agility finals and $125 to the Obedience finals.
o Brenda Dean mentioned that because the new point schedule was not out yet people should be aware that the points they thought they received at Colors of Summer may not be the points they were actually awarded.
o Dottie received thank you letters from ARPH, ASGHI, and Gale Rempel for donations that have been made
o Brenda Dean asked that flyers prepared for copying be in black and white only – color may look pretty, but it doesn’t copy well, and they have to redo the flyer before printing – more time and cost!!
o Club insurance will be renewed.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:45pm.
The next meeting will be September 10, 2006 at the Griffin's in Douglas, MA.
Respectfully submitted,
Gull Reidy, Secretary
Post Meeting Additions (Jean Janotta):
o Matt Mason has graciously offered to host the November 5th meeting at his home
o A donation of $250 was made to the Richard Natale Memorial Fund for the benefit of Samuel Natale
o Karen Miller’s mother lost her battle with cancer in early July