Come one come all !!!
Calling all ASCNE members !!!
To join the Australian Shepherd Club of New England at the
Annual March Get Acquainted -Volunteer Appreciation-
ROM Awards Meeting
– a day of food, fellowship and fun.
Sunday March 7, 2004
Log Cabin Banquet and Meeting House
500 Easthampton Rd, Holyoke, MA 01040
11:30 AM -?
Luncheon Buffet will be served.
Dogs’ not welcome in restaurant.
In Appreciation - ASCNE Members who have volunteered for any event or Club Service are the guests of the club.
$10.00 per person for non-volunteer ASCNE members
$20.00 per person for non-members
$15.00 for children

As a special event we are hoping to post :

1. Pictures of club members from the past. Please either send copies or let me know that you will be bringing them. Please put on the back of the picture the name of the club member. It will be fun to look at these pictures and see if we can identify the club members.

2. Pictures of our aussies. Again please identify the dog. I will post them at the restaurant.

Please bring or send COPIES or pictures that you will not mind if they are lost. I cannot guarantee that they will be returned... thanks.

Doorprize: A set of weave poles donated by Pete Dolan.

From the Mass Pike, take Exit 4 to I-91north.
From I-91, take Exit 17 to Route141 west (towards Easthampton, MA). Proceed two miles.

Note: Because the club must pay in advance for all attendees, this is a reservation only (RSVP) meeting. To reserve your place, please send in the following reservation (or e-mail) by Feb 18, 2004. Please CANCEL if you cannot attend.

To: Mary Ann Stoddart
52 Eastern Ave
S. Deerfield, MA 01373
FMI email 413-665-3510
Name: ____________________________________________

Phone number: ___________________ e-mail: _________________________

Numbers attending:

Volunteers: (please include which event)_______________________

Non-Volunteer Members: __________ Non members: _________

Amount included: _____________________