Australian Shepherd Club of New England

ASCA sanction pending
Sunday October 17, 2004
Hardwick, MA
Open to all breeds.
When drawing for TD entries, priority will be given to ASCA registered Australian Shepherds that do not have a Tracking Dog title. When drawing for TDX entries, priority will be given to ASCA registered Australian Shepherds that do not have a Tracking Dog Excellent title.

ENTRY FEE: $50.00
TD/ $85.00 TDX

ENTRIES CLOSE at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 6, 2004 at the home of the test secretary, after which entries cannot be accepted, canceled, altered or substituted except as specified herein. (SEE NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS UNDER WITHDRAWALS)

Drawing for tracks will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the test site
JUDGES: Celeste Kelly 200 Cider Hill Road York, ME 03909
Betty Mueller 203 State Street Eliot, ME 03903

Chairperson & Test Secretary:
Sue Schroeder 16 Breckenridge Road Hadley, MA 01035 (413)587-3357
Tracking Test Committee: Sue Schroeder, Robin Prouty, Ann Chace, Betty Mueller, Celeste Kelly

The drawings for entries and alternates will be conducted in accordance with Chapter 1, Section 18 of the ASCA Tracking Rules and Regulations.
Entrants may call the test secretary the night of the draw between 7 and 9 pm.
Anyone interested in attending the draw, it will be held at 7 pm at 16 Breckenridge Road
Hadley, MA. The draw is open to all interested.

The drawing will determine which entries will participate. It will be completely at random among all entries except that Australian Shepherds without titles will be drawn first, then other breeds without titles, then Titled TD Aussies, then other breeds with titles. When the advertised limit of entries has been drawn, all remaining entries will be subject to the same preferences set forth above in the draw for position on the alternate list corresponding to the order in which they were drawn.

You will be notified within 48 hours whether or not you have a spot in the test. Please specify if you would like to be notified by phone, email, or post. Formal notification of the draw will be made by mail

WITHDRAWALS: Withdrawals must be made in writing to the test secretary. Withdrawals cannot be accepted if the test does not fill. Notification of withdrawal must be made 48 hours prior to the test in order to secure an entrant to take your place. Alternates will take the place of withdrawals in the numerical order in which they were drawn. If an alternate can take your place, your entry fee will be refunded. If there are no alternates, your entry fee cannot be refunded.

Contact the test secretary: Sue Schroeder 16 Breckenridge Road Hadley, MA 01035 (413)587-3357
Refunds will be made within the week following the test by mail.

ENTRY FEE $50.00 TD/$85.00 TDX. Entry fees must be paid in US funds.
Make checks payable to ASCNE and mail them with entry to: Sue Schroeder 16 Breckenridge Rd Hadley, MA 01035. Please, no cash or credit cards.

As required by Chapter 3, Section 2, of the ASCA Tracking Rules and Regulations, a written certification must accompany the TD entry for any dog that has not previously passed an ASCA Tracking Test/TD.


Beginning 1/1/2003 for non-ASCA registered dogs- In order to have ASCA qualifying legs tracked and to receive ASCA titling certificates, each non-ASCA registered dog will be required to have an ASCA Tracking Number. This is a one time fee of $10/dog. At the time of applying for the tracking number, the individual owner must also be an ASCA member (minimum membership type of service is required). ASCA membership does not need to be maintained in subsequent years.

The ASCA Service Membership and Tracking Number form can be found here

BITCHES IN SEASON may not participate in this event.

The test is being held at a private site. All dogs are to be on lead at all times.
AWARDS: ASCNE will offer a rosette and prize to all passing Tracking Dog handler teams.

ACCOMODATIONS: Sturbridge Host Hotel (508) 347-7393

Mass Pike to Exit 8 Palmer. After toll turn LEFT on Route 32 North. Follow 32 North out of Palmer to Ware. In Ware 32 junctions with 9 EAST. Follow 32N/9E out of Ware, about 2 miles, the Routes then divide, turn LEFT continuing on Route 32 North. Go about 2 miles into Hardwick, 32 junctions with 32A North. Continue on 32 North, bearing right at the 3-way intersection with traffic island. Continue for 3+miles on 32 North, see Cloverhill Country Store on left, immediately turn LEFT onto Barre Road. Cloverhill Farm is 1/2 mile, up big hill, on left. Big white house and barn.

From Route 2 go to Athol/Petersham Route 32 Exit. Take Route 32 South about 7 miles to Petersham. Go through town, and continue on 32 South to town of Barre, about 8 miles. Continue on 32 South to Hardwick, 2+ miles past Hardwick town line watch for 4- way intersection, bridge on left, Cloverhill Country Store on right. Turn right at intersection onto Barre Road. Cloverhill Farm is 1/2 mile, up big hill, on left. Big white house and barn.

ASCA Tracking Rules and Regulations are available online at or from the
ASCA Business Office PO Box 3790 Bryan, TX 77805-3790

Entry forms are available online at (go to obedience/conformation entry)