Minutes from the November 7, 2004 meeting at Jean Janotta's home in Raymond, NH.

Members Present: Jean Janotta, Pete Dolan, Dottie Duclos, Sue Schroeder, Brenda Dean, Andy Johnson and Diane Johnson.

Meeting called to order 1:00pm by President Jean Janotta.
1. Introduction of those present.

At this time it was noted there were more Aussies in attendance than club members. The following Aussies were in attendance: Annie , Ohlee, and Fly Dolan; Rugby and Dancer Schroeder; McNab Johnson; Zack, Boston, and Kate Janotta.

2. Secretary’s Report: The Secretary's report from the September meeting was accepted as published in the newsletter.

3. Treasurer's report: Dottie Duclos reported we have $23,649.36 in the regular checking account; the rescue account stands at $4,990.54 for a total of $28,639.90

4. Affiliate Report – Sharon Ruppel
There was no affiliate report.

5. Library Report: Library was not available at this meeting.

6. Event Updates: Please check the web site: for additional information on events.

7. Committee Reports

8. Sunshine Report: There was nothing to report at this time.


1. New Members: – The following have been accepted for membership: Donna Gondek and Dennis Witham

2. 2005 Calendar

Please check the web site: for additional information on events.

3. 2005 ASCA National Pre-show Update

4. Stock Panel Maintenance

At the last meeting, Cindy King mentioned there were three stock panels that needed to be repaired. The panels are at Pete Dolan's and he will take care of the welding and repairs needed.

5. 2007 ASCA National Exploratory Update



1. Membership Applications – Kathy Chouinard

Member  Sponsors
Joanne Gray
(carried over from last meeting)
 Sharon Ruppel
Donna Johnson
Kathleen Buckley Susan Winters
Kathleen Walsh
Lorraine E Wentworth Brenda Dean
Kathleen Chouinard
Dianne Barrett  Robin Prouty
Karen Miller

2. 2004 Bowl Call

3. Achievements – Jean Janotta
 Sue Schroeder noted that two of Celeste Kelly’s dog earned tracking titles – one a TD and the other a TDX

The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm

Next meeting will be January 2, 2005 at Canine Mastery in Seekonk, MA

Respectfully submitted, Diane Johnson

ASCNE 2005 Calendar of Events