Minutes from the November 7, 2004
meeting at Jean Janotta's home in Raymond, NH.
Members Present: Jean Janotta,
Pete Dolan, Dottie Duclos, Sue Schroeder, Brenda Dean, Andy Johnson and
Diane Johnson.
Meeting called to order 1:00pm by President Jean Janotta.
1. Introduction of those present.
At this time it was noted there were
more Aussies in attendance than club members. The following Aussies
were in attendance: Annie , Ohlee, and Fly Dolan; Rugby and Dancer
Schroeder; McNab Johnson; Zack, Boston, and Kate Janotta.
2. Secretarys Report:
The Secretary's report from the September meeting was accepted as
published in the newsletter.
3. Treasurer's report: Dottie
Duclos reported we have $23,649.36 in the regular checking account; the
rescue account stands at $4,990.54 for a total of $28,639.90
- August Stock Trial gross receipts
$4645; expenses $4411.50; profit $235.50
- September Kathy Warren Stock Clinic
gross receipts $4100.00; expenses of $3,475.79; profit $624.21
- September Stock Trial gross
receipts $195; expenses $575.36; loss $395.36
- HMM gross receipts $29,463.00 with
expenses of $27,961.36 for a profit of $1,501.64
- October Tracking Test gross
receipts $150; expenses $259.29; loss $109.29, but the $400 profit from
the April clinic more than offset the loss
4. Affiliate Report Sharon Ruppel
There was no affiliate report.
5. Library Report: Library was
not available at this meeting.
- Dottie reported the 2003 Aussie
Annual had been received. Currently one of the club members has it but
it will be forwarded to the library when they are done.
6. Event Updates: Please
check the web site: for
additional information on events.
- September 12 Stock Trial - Deb and
Joe Adamczyk. In an email received from Deb: Feed back from
participants was very good, they want to know when we will be having
Part Two (not in 2005!). Positive feedback on participants present,
stock and facilities were received from Kathy Warren.
- October 8, 9, 10 - HMM. In an emailed
received: Peter Kontos will put thank yous and comments in the upcoming
newsletter. HMM for 2005 will be September 23, 24, 25 because of the
Aussie Nationals in Georgia.
- October 17 - Tracking Test - Sue
Schroeder reported that the test was great; there were three dogs
entered and two passed
- November 13 & 14 - Fran Swanson
reported via e-mail that everything was all set. Via e-mail MaryAnn
Stoddart reported that obedience was almost full.
- February 5 & 6 - Breed and
Obedience in Seekonk, MA. Via e-mail Sue Winters indicated she is
working on sanctioning and in need of a show secretary for Sunday,
there is also a need for someone to do the food and a need for course
- February 18 thru 21 are the correct
dates for the Barb Demascio Agility Seminar in West Brookfiled, MA
The 18th and 19th are Elite/Masters/Excellent
level and the 20th and 21st are
Novice/Open/Advanced level.
- March 6 - Annual ROM Banquet and
Meeting in Holyoke, MA Via e-mail MaryAnn Stoddart requested that
everyone get their breed and Obedience ROM scores for non-ASCNE shows
to her by 15DEC. The Log Cabin is booked and she will start on the
frills right after Thanksgiving.
- March 26 & 27 - Rescue Show with
Breed and Obedience at Paws 'N Effect in Hamden, CT. Val is getting the
judges lined up, John Yarmac will not be doing food so there is a need
for judges lunches and for stewards.
7. Committee Reports
- Agility: Pete Dolan reported that the
updated rule book will be going to the BOD for approval. In addition, a
rule change to create a Gamblers Junior Handler division is being
submitted for approval.
- Bylaw: no representative in
- Conformation: no representative in
- Dispute: no representative in
- Juniors: no representative in
- DNA & Genetics: no representative
in attendance.
- Stockdog: no representative in
- Tracking: Sue Schroeder reported the
committee is reviewing alternatives for drawing entries for tracking
tests that have more entries than slots. Members present felt it should
be Aussies without titles should have first chance, other breeds
without titles (with tracking numbers) will get the next chance, then
it will go to Aussies with titles and then other breeds with titles and
tracking numbers. Sue mentioned the committee hadnt considered
breaking other breeds into those with and without tracking numbers.
- Versatility: no representative in
8. Sunshine Report:
There was nothing to report at this time.
1. New Members: The following
have been accepted for membership: Donna Gondek and Dennis Witham
2. 2005 Calendar
- Correction of dates the
dates for the Barb Demascio Agility Seminar in West Brookfield, MA are
February 18-21, not February 11-14 as listed in earlier newsletters
if youre interested, please contact Lyn Scribner at 603-332-1098;
- Tenley Dexter e-mailed some Stockdog
updates for 2005. These dates are VERY tentative as they are not sure
of Judge availability, stock availability, etc.
- Tentative - April 23
Intro to Herding w/ Tenley in CT (rain date of April 24)
- Possibly.....
- Sat May 28th - a Ranch Trial at
- Sunday May 29th AM - Post
Advanced Trial in Portland, CT.
- Sunday May 29th PM sheep regular
arena trial in Portland, CT.
- Bob Vest Clinics...Proposed
- June 2-5 Sheep clinic in CT
- June 7-10 or 6-9 Sheep clinic in
- June 11-12 or 18-19 Cattle clinic
in CT
- Matt Mason e-mailed saying hes
looking to do a stockdog trial in August (perhaps using Deb and Joes
old dates) somewhere in NH. Hes looking for a fairgrounds with secure
wooden show arena
- Proposed Tracking Clinic April 2 at
Strafford County Court House, Strafford, NH - Celeste Kelly and Sue
- Proposed Tracking Test April 10
Stratham, NH Celeste Kelly
Please check the web site:
for additional information on events.
3. 2005 ASCA National Pre-show Update
- Peter Kontos and Jean Janotta have
been in contact by phone and email.
- Breed Judges: Puppies, Altered - Judy
Norris, Dogs - Ric Pittman, BOB - Barbara Peters, Bitches - Liz Gibson
- Agility Judges: Sandra Katzen, Judy
Boone, Ric Pittman
4. Stock Panel Maintenance
At the last meeting, Cindy King
mentioned there were three stock panels that needed to be repaired. The
panels are at Pete Dolan's and he will take care of the welding and
repairs needed.
5. 2007 ASCA National Exploratory
- Motion was made and passed to send a
refundable $50 deposit to the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ
to hold the dates of September 29 thru October 6, 2007 should New
England decide to bid on the 2007 ASCA Nationals. The deposit will be
refunded if the reservation is cancelled prior to January 1, 2007.
1. Membership Applications Kathy
Member |
Sponsors |
Joanne Gray
(carried over from last
Sharon Ruppel
Donna Johnson
Kathleen Buckley |
Susan Winters
Kathleen Walsh
Lorraine E Wentworth
Brenda Dean
Kathleen Chouinard
Dianne Barrett |
Robin Prouty
Karen Miller
2. 2004 Bowl Call
- Jean will check with Karen Miller to
see if shed like to continue her great job of coordinating the 2004
New Title bowls
3. Achievements Jean Janotta
Sue Schroeder noted that
two of Celeste Kellys dog earned tracking titles one a TD and the
other a TDX
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm
Next meeting will be January 2, 2005
at Canine Mastery in Seekonk, MA
Respectfully submitted, Diane Johnson
ASCNE 2005 Calendar of Events
- January 2 Meeting Canine Mastery, Seekonk, MA
- January 15 newsletter cutoff date
- February 5 & 6 Breed and Obedience, Seekonk, MA Sue
- February 18 - 21 Barb Demascio Agility Seminar, West
Brookfield, MA Lyn Scribner
- March 6 Annual ROM Banquet and Meeting, Log Cabin Restaurant,
Holyoke, MA MaryAnn & Joe Stoddart
- March 12 & 13 GSASA Breed & Obedience
- March 15 newsletter cutoff date
- March 19 & 20 LEAP Agility Trial So. Hadley, MA - ASCA
co-sanctioned by ASCNE
- March 26 & 27 Rescue Show Paws 'N Effect, Hamden, CT
Brenda Dean
- April 2rd Tracking Clinic Strafford, NH -
Celeste Kelly
- April 10th tentative Tracking Test Stratham, NH
Celeste Kelly
- April 9 & 10 Act-Up Agility Trial Wrentham, MA - ASCA
co-sanctioned by ASCNE
- April 16 & 17 SNEAK Agility Trial Brooklyn, CT - ASCA
co-sanctioned by ASCNE
- April 23 tentative Intro to Herding Tenley Dexter (rain
date April 24)
- May 15 newsletter cutoff date
- May 21 tentative GSASA Breed & Obedience
- May 28 & 29 ASCA/NADAC Agility trial and Try Stock-n-Go,
Contoocook, NH
- May 28th tentative Ranch Trial at Linc Keisers
- May 29th AM tentative Post Advanced Trial in Portland, CT
- May 29th PM tentative sheep regular arena trial in
Portland, CT
- June 4 & 5 Breed and Obedience, Auburn, MA Keli Gaunt
- June 2-5 tentative Bob Vest Sheep clinic in CT
- June 7-10 or 6-9 tentative Bob Vest Sheep clinic in NH
- June 11-12 or 18-19 tentative Bob Vest Cattle clinic in CT
- June 18 & 19 SoBAD Agility Trial Granby, MA - ASCA
co-sanctioned by ASCNE
- July 10 meeting at the Griffin's home, Douglas, MA
- July 15 newsletter cutoff date
- July 29, 30 & 31 Moose-a-Mania, Skowhegan, ME Clara
- August or September Post Advanced or Ranch Trial CT
Tenley Dexter & Linc Keiser
- September 3, 4, & 5 GSASA Agility
- September 11 meeting at the Adamczyk's home, Warren, MA
- September 15 newsletter cutoff date
- September 23, 24 & 25 Harvest Moon Mania, Westfield, MA
Peter Kontos
- October 8 & 9 GSASA Breed & Obedience
- October 22 - 29 ASCA Nationals, Georgia
- October 23 Agility Pre-show by ASCNE, Georgia Jean Janotta
- October 24 Conformation Pre-show by ASCNE, Georgia Peter
- November 6 meeting at the Janotta home, Raymond, NH
- November 12 & 13 Breed and Obedience, Seekonk, MA Fran
- November 15 newsletter cutoff date