Minutes from the March 7, 2004 meeting held at the Log Cabin Banquet & Meeting House in Holyoke, MA.

Members present: Ann Chace, John Spivey, Tina Spivey, Kathleen Walsh, Robin Goodman, Lyn Scribner, Kelen Geiger, Sally King, Kathy Hubbard, Suzanne Rogers, Keli Gaunt, Mike Sheehan, Wallace Leach, Joyce Leach, Claudia Reed Carol Casson, Sharon Parr, Stevens Parr, Dee Williamson, Val Jakubowski, Kathy Bishop, Pete Dolan, Sheila Dolan, Pauli Haggis, Bill Haggis, Don McCormick, Dianne McCormick, Sharon Rupple, Donna Johnson, Heather Robinson, Jen Darlington, Denise Darlington, Fran Swanson, Leah Swanson, Lecia Whitlock, Antonia Lake, Joe Adamczyk, Debbie Adamczyk, William Pechka-King, Cindy King, Chris Davenport, Matt Mason, Sue Schroeder, Robin Gandell, Linda Barden, Emmy Adasiewicz, Cathy Bakke, Terry Andrews, Eileen Scully, Jean Janotta, Dottie Duclos, Brenda Dean, Diane Johnson, Andy Johnson, John Yarmac, Donna Hakala, Karen Miller, Susan Winters, Gull Reidy, Peter Kontos, Heather Braddock, Kate Viles, Geoff Griffin, JoAnn Griffin, Mary Ann Stoddart, Joe Stoddart, Terri Altergott.

Guest present: Rich Adams.

Meeting called to order 1:00pm by President Jean Janotta

Secretary’s report: Minutes from the January 2004 meeting were accepted as submitted.

Treasurer's report – Dottie Duclos

ASCA Affiliate report – Sharon Ruppel

Board of Directors report

Committee reports

Library report – Cindy King

Sunshine report – Jean Janotta

Event Updates


New members: The following have been accepted for membership – Christine Porter, Linda Barden, Jillayne Karra (junior) and Megan Sabrowski (junior).

Stop Watches for Stock Show Box: Pete Dolan reported that two stop watches and an additional batters were sent to Deb Adamczyk.

2005 Nationals in GA: ASCNE has been approached about hosting Breed and Agility Pre-Shows at the Nationals, motion was made and passed.

Consolidated Mailing List: Brenda Dean is working on this project. Cindy King had the ad for the Match Show Bulletin to go over the wording before submitting the ad.

ASCNE 30th Anniversary Pewter Cups: The cost to purchase on of these special cups will be $10 to $15 each. Anyone interested, please email Jean at


Membership Applications – Kathie Chouinard

Member Sponsors
Brenda & Denis Coggin & Family Terri Altergot
Kathy Hubbard
Kelly Drake  Heather Braddock
Gail Duval
Donna Dickerson Susan Winters
Kathleen Walsh
Pamela Gagnon & Bruce Lovelette Fran Swanson
Kathy Hubbard
Donald McCormick Susan Winters
Kathie Chouinard
Jill Wilson Nancy Gagnon
Allison Creswell

Capital expenditure – Jean Janotta: Jean put forth a request to purchase two laptop computers, a printer, and agility trial software in order to go to computerized scoring for the agility events. The use of the laptops for scoring will reduce the agility secretary’s pre- and post- trial effort by about 10 to 15 hours per event. In addition, the laptops could be used by other events. Cost justification was based on the income of approximately $11,000 from the last 4 agility events. A motion was made by Peter Kontos and passed to allocate $2500 to $3000 for this purchase.

Junior Day – Keli Gaunt & Sharon Ruppel: Sharon and Keli will be working together on activities geared to junior members.

Harvest Moon Mania – Peter Kontos: As no one has volunteered to be the HMM Course Director, Peter Kontos has taken on the task. In addition, two junior judges have volunteered to come to HMM to put on a seminar for juniors.

Capital Expenditure – Peter Kontos: Peter requested $250 to purchase of software to be used to process entries for breed and obedience events. Robin Goodman indicated the developer may also agree to make a change to include stock dog events as well. The motion was made and passed.

ASCA Elections for Board of Directors: BoD candidates: Donna Armstrong, Bob Blount, Allison Bryant, Pete Dolan, Russ Ford, Linda Gray, Rachel Vest, Marteen Walter. A motion was made and passed to put an ad of support in the Aussie Times for our two club members. John Spivey will design the ad.

ASCNE Jackets: Brenda and Dottie modeled the purple jackets that can be purchased by contacting Linda Gray at

Honorary Members: It was requested that future announcements of Honorary Members be done at the ROM banquet because of the number of members present at the meeting.

Achievements – Jean Janotta:

Meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm.

Next meeting: July 11th – at the Griffin residence, Douglas, MA

Respectfully submitted, Diane Johnson, ASCNE Secretary