Come one come all !!!
Calling all ASCNE members !!!
To join the Australian Shepherd Club of New England at the
Annual March Get Acquainted -Volunteer Appreciation-
ROM Awards Meeting
– a day of food, fellowship and fun.
Sunday March 2, 2003
Log Cabin Banquet and Meeting House
500 Easthampton Rd, Holyoke, MA 01040
11:30 AM -?
Luncheon Buffet will be served.
Dogs’ not welcome in restaurant.
In Appreciation - ASCNE Members who have volunteered for any event (Agility, Herding, Conformation or Obedience) are the guests of the club.
$9.00 per person for non-volunteer ASCNE members
$18.00 per person for non-members
$14.00 for children

From the Mass Pike, take Exit 4 to I-91north.
From I-91, take Exit 17 to Route141 west (towards Easthampton, MA). Proceed two miles.

Note: Because the club must pay in advance for all attendees, this is a reservation only (RSVP) meeting. To reserve your place, please send in the following reservation (or e-mail) by Feb 14, 2003. Please cancel if you cannot attend.

To: Mary Ann Stoddart
52 Eastern Ave
S. Deerfield, MA 01373
FMI email 413-665-3510
Name: ____________________________________________

Phone number: ___________________ e-mail: _________________________

Numbers attending:

Volunteers: (please include which event)_______________________

Non-Volunteer Members: __________ Non members: _________

Amount included: _____________________