Minutes from the July 7th meeting at Kathy Bishop’s, North Stonington, CT.
  Members present: Jean Janotta, Joanne Karohl, Sheila and Pete Dolan, Wendy Dreyer, JoAnn and George Griffin, Kathie Chouinard, Joyce and Walker Leach, Sharon and Stevens Parr, Joe and Mary Ann Stoddart, Valerie Jakubowski, Ann Chace, Gwennie Hosken, Dee Williamson, Nini Bloch, Kelly Maclean, and Tenley Dexter,.

  Jean Janotta called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.
  1. The Secretary's report was read and approved as read.
  2. Treasurer's report: We have $16,482.02 in the regular account, $40.00 on hand for deposit, and $7100.60 in the Rescue account. The total cash is $23,622.62. We will be sending ARPH a profit from the Rescue show of $1,360.85 plus donations of $1578.00, for a total donation of $2,938.85. Our remaining cash balance will then be $20,683.77. We have already paid out $1,130.42 for the Skowhegan show, and $2,724.15 for HMM. Other show information: the May herding trial took in $2030.00 with expenses of $1814.29 for a profit of $215.71; the Bob Vest Clinics took in $5645.00 in fees and had $4960.18 in expenses for a profit of $684.82; the Goshen show took in $ 2072.00 in entrieswith expenses of $1912.34, for a profit of $159.66.

    Dottie would like to request that anyone who incurs expenses for the club please get the receipts to her as soon as possible so she can clear the books on each event. Thanks.
  4. Sunshine Report: We will be sending a $250.00 donation to the Dave Andreozzi Family Charitable Fund.
  5. Event Updates:

  6. March 23rd &24th Rescue Benefit Show went very well and a sizable donation is on its way to ARPH.
    Herding Trial, May 18 & 19: Despite bad weather the first day this trial nearly filled and went great. Linc did send a message that next year there will be a work day to move panels the weekend before. There was plenty of help to break down.
    Agility Trial, May 25th & 26th, Hampton Falls, NH: This trial enjoyed great weather and great help; special thanks to JoAnn Griffen for Veterans. The ACT-UP trailer was packed like a tavern puzzle, but fortunately came with a packing plan!
    Bob Vest Clinics: This was a big hit as usual, with lots of new faces at the Handler’s Clinic (two people work stock as "dog" and "handler"; one learns a great deal). There may be some differences at Tenley’s end next year; she will let us know
    June 15th & 16th: This show went great; Diane is willing to do it again, but possibly on different dates.
    Skowhegan, August 2nd, 3rd and 4th: This is moving along well; Clara is very well organized. Pre-entries are a bit slow. Mary Ann suggests a notice on Aussie-l. Entries close on July 18.
    August 24th & 25th: will be the Roger Stevens Cattle Clinic and Trial at Linc’s in Portland, ME. The first day will be a clinic in the morning, and a (non-sanctioned) Course C trial in the afternoon. Cash prizes are a possibility. Comments about the course will be forwarded to the Stock Dog Committee. The second day there will be a morning clinic and a sanctioned B course trial in the afternoon.
    September 14 & 15: Sheep and duck trial at Janet Benson’s in Lebanon CT with Rachel Vest judging./font>
    Harvest Moon Mania, Westfield MA, October 11th, 12th, & 13th: Adraft of the flier is ready
    November 16th & 17th Show: The flyer is being proofed and will be in the newsletter.

    Old Business

  7. New Members: We accepted the following new members into the club: Paula M. Andrus, Barbara Barreiro, Jessica Westleigh-Belanger, Bob Chouinard, Roxanne McHatten-Gura.

    New Business
  9. Equipment: Mary Ann pointed out that at HMM the condition of our obedience jumps was deplorable, and asked if we could order some new jumps. Pete Dolan volunteered to repair our set of jumps or build new ones, if he were reimbursed for his costs. This was moved and carried.
  10. Insurance: We are investigating the possibility that we need more complete insurance coverage for club functions. The consensus is that we want to have coverage at all club events for members, spectators, judges, all exhibitors, any volunteers, anyone we hire, and the Board. Joanne Karohl will investigate whether this is presently the case and what the cost of increased coverage, if any, will be.
  11. Herding Fun Days: Tenley Dexter has proposed holding a sheep herding event for beginner/aspiring herding participants next April at her farm. She envisions a short lecture and some demos, and then she will work each dog. The cost should reflect a goal of breaking even, with perhaps 25 participants. Matt Mason and Chris Davenport have volunteered assistance. Tenley notes that herding titles are to become part of the requirements for Hall of Fame status.
  12. ASCA Sanctioned Tracking Test: Ann Chace and Celeste Kelly have proposed a tracking test to be held October 20th at the Prouty Farm. There will be 5 tracks plus a spare. The cost will be approximately $250.00 (meals, mileage and expenses for the judges, plus ribbons) and we should break even if the test fills. Needed are a test secretary, 3-5 track layers (this is a commitment of 2 full days) and a total of 5 test committee members who can also be track layers. It was moved and carried to approve this endeavor. Anyone interested in getting involved should contact Ann. There may be a test in spring as well; Ann will let us know.
  13. Capital equipment management: There was a vigorous discussion of the issues of storage and cataloging of club capital items such as obedience and agility equipment and stock panels. It was decided that we need a repository of information about what we have and where it is. The goal is to have a consolidated list of all equipment. If you have any information about club in your possession or anyone else’s, please contact Ann Chace>
  14. Event ads: When preparing flyers for events, Mary Ann requests that you please include the web site URL.

  15.   The issue of the treasurer’s reports of cost breakdowns for events was discussed. Should more detailed information about various venues at events be published in the minutes? It was mentioned that Dottie will answer any question about any event that is asked of her, and the detail that is routinely published is probably sufficient for most general purposes.
  16. Member Applications: The following have applied for membership in ASCNE:

    Member  Sponsors
    Cheryl Brickach Ann Chace
     Susan Winters
    Joanna Giddings  Celeste Kelly
    Donna Gray
    Lisa Goodman  Tenley Dexter
    Linc Keiser
    Georjean Hertzwig  Robin Prouty
    Leslie Frank
    Betty A. Mueller  Matt Mason
    Celeste Kelly
    Linda Prager  Nancy Gagnon
     Suzanne Wood
    Annette Fortune Sharon Ruppel

      Membership renewals should now be sent to Kathy Chouinard.
      New 2003 Schedule:
    Feb. 1st & 2nd: Breed and obedience, Seekonk, MA, Susan Winters
    Mar. 29th & 30th: Rescue show, Paws and Effect, Hamden, CT, Val Jakubowski
    Apr. 26th (raindate 27th): Herding Fun Day, Tenley Dexter’s
    May 17th & 18th: Herding trial, Linc Keiser’s
    May 24th & 25th: Agility trial, Hampton Falls, NH, Jean Janotta
    June 21st & 22nd: Breed and obedience, Goshen, CT, Diane Dodge
    Bob Vest clinics: In CT, June 4th –7th (Tenley Dexter); in NH, June 8th – 11th (Matt Mason)
    Aug. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd: Skowhegan (tentatively, based on this year)
    Aug. 16th & 17th: Herding trial, Joe and Deb Adamczyk (tentative, pending host approval)
    Oct. 10th, 11th, & 12th: Harvest Moon Mania
    Nov. 15th & 16th: Breed and Obedience, Seekonk, MA, Fran Swanson
  18. 2003 Meeting Schedule:

Jan. 5th: Canine Mastery, Seekonk, MA
Mar. 2nd: Holyoke, MA, ROM Banquet
July 13th: the Griffen’s, Douglas, MA
Sept. 7th: TBA
Nov. 2nd: Jean Janotta’s, Raymond, NH The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.

Next meeting: September 8th, the Adamczyks’, Warren, MA.

Respectfully submitted by Joanne Karohl