3 Day Sheep Clinic
1 Day Handlers’ Clinic Sun. June 8, 2002
The handlers clinic is without dogs. It is designed to promote better understanding of stock behavior and movement. Stock will include cattle, sheep, and ducks. No prior trialing or training experience required.
One entry per handler. Handlers can enter either sheep clinic but NOT both. Refunds only if someone can take your spot
FEES: Handler and dog ..... $170.00 for three sheep
days, Handlers Clinic - $40.00
Auditors ..... $30.00 per day
Price includes lunch each day for handlers and auditors
Sheep Clinic limited to 12 dogs
Handlers Clinic limited to 20 handlers
Unlimited number of auditors may attend and ask questions.
You can learn just as much by auditing as participating
Registration only processed with a check made to ASCNE
For the Connecticut Clinic (including Handlers Clinic)
mail your entry check to: