Minutes from the January 7th meeting at Sandy Johanson's, Medfield, MA.

 Members present: Susan Winters, Joanne Karohl, Gull Reidy, Donna Killam, Cindy King, Billy Pechka-King, Denise & Jen Darlington, Fran Tardiff, Marcia Lindsay, JoAnn & George Griffin, Sandy Johanson, Karen Miller, Donna Hakala, Dottie Duclos, Val Jakubowski, Lynda & Matt Burstein, Gwen Hosken John & Lorretta King, Kathy Chouinard.

Susan Winters called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m.

1. The Secretary's report was approved as read.

2. Sunshine report: Richard Grenon is doing better, and "hopes to be running agility next spring." Tina Spivey is expecting a Junior Handler; congratulations!

3. Treasurer's report: Dottie reported that the treasury is approximately $24,000.

4. Affiliate report: Cindy King has volunteered to fulfill the remainder of Sue Schroeder's term.

5. Rescue: Sue Winters read a thank-you note from Marcia Lindsey for the briefcase sent to her for her role in the Rescue Program. The money raised this year from the Benefit Show will be sent to ARPH.

6. Library Report: We have added two new videotapes: an ASCA promotional tape and a "home video" of the Georgia Nationals. The Aussie Annual has been ordered.

7. Event Updates:
February 3 & 4 Show: We are set for obedience stewards. Karen Miller will be taking care of the food for Saturday, and Sandy will do food on Sunday.

ROM and Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon: Send your titles to Karen Miller for bowls. This will be held in Holyoke; watch for a mailing. Volunteers are invited free of charge; there will be a nominal fee for spouses to attend.

Rescue Benefit Show, March 17 & 18: is at Paws N Effect, Hamden, CT. Preparations are on schedule.

Fred Lanting Seminar, April 7: will be held at the Sturbridge Host Hotel, and is open to members and non-members. AM session: Hip dysplasia and other orthopedic disorders, PM session: Evaluating gait and structure. Registrations are coming in. The possibility was raised of taping the seminar, with Fred Lanting's permission. Also, the seminar is half price for Junior members. Hopefully books will be on sale and the author will be happy to autograph.

April 8 Breed Show, Fred Lanting judging: at the Sturbridge Host Hotel. This will have an early start time. Entries from 7:30-8:45 with judging at 9am. The only flight back for Mr. Lanting is at 2pm.

May 19 & 20 Herding Trial: will be held in CT. FMI: Linc Keiser. The May meeting may be held at this trial.

Bob Vest Clinics: June 7-9, sheep clinic, June 10, handlers clinic (no dogs), Gaylordsville, CT; June 11-13, Matt Mason coordinates the sheep clinic in Salisbury NH. FMI: Tenley Dexter. A flyer will be in this newsletter.

June 16 & 17 Obedience, Breed and Agility trial: at Canine Sports Center, Goshen, CT. SoBad, a CT. based agility club will run the agility trial. FMI: Kathy Fragione.

July8 meeting: at Sheila and Pete Dolan's. This meeting is where we determine the schedule for the upcoming year.

August 18 & 19 herding trial: Warren, MA. FMI: Joe Adamczyk.

September 30 meeting: at Robin Prouty's with mini-clinics.

Harvest Moon Mania, October 12, 13 &14: There will still be only one agility ring, but an adjunct ring for jumpers is possible. This will preserve the atmosphere we have always enjoyed at that show.

Old Business
8. New Members: We accepted the following new members into the club: Gloria & Robert McComas, Robin Gardell, Joni Johnson, Joyce Charron, Kathleen St. Charles, and Leelaine Picker.

New Business
9. Member Applications: The following have applied for membership in ASCNE:
Nancy Bognanski   Joyce Leach
Heather Braddock
Sally King   Sue Winters
Sue Walter

Membership renewals should now be sent to Cathy Bakke

10. Cee Hambo Scholarship Fund: There is some question of how these funds are being administered; Cindy King will investigate and report. New Bylaw changes passed around and discussed. Further changes were suggested including changing "provisional member" to "associate member", and spelling out how votes of the Board may be taken (by phone, e-mail, etc.) A copy of the proposed changes will be included in this newsletter.

13. ROM winners: Fran Tardiff and Marcia Lindsey volunteered to look into taking a paid advertisement in the Aussie Times to congratulate our ROM winners. Photos are a possibility. It was moved and seconded to pay for up to a 2-page ad; motion passed.

14. ASCNE and NADAC: In response to a question about how ASCNE and NADAC are connected, it was pointed out that to compete in an ASCNE/NADAC co-sanctioned event, the dog must be registered with NADAC to be able to compete.

15. Altered Championship Program rules: are on the ASCA web site. We will be starting at schedule 1 for both dogs and bitches. An abridged list of classes is permitted. Also, points acquired before neutering are carried over.

 The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

Next meeting March 4th at the Log Cabin in Easthampton, MA. Luncheon buffet/ volunteer appreciation ROM ribbons/ meeting

Respectfully submitted by Joanne Karohl

Proposed Changes to ASCNE Bylaws
January, 2001

1. Remove the business/mailing address from the bylaws.

2. Note that we have not been following the letter of the bylaws in our procedures for election to membership (i.e. Sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5.

3. Proposal: to change the wording of section 3.3.5 to read: "Not less than 12 months following the listing of the membership nominee, and upon petition of the membership nominee to the membership secretary, the executive board shall vote approved or disapproved upon the application of the nominee. Upon approval vote by a majority of the executive board, the nominee shall be elected to full ASCNE membership, and shall be eligible to vote at that time. The nominee must be an ASCA member in good standing and have attended at least one ASCNE general membership meeting in the 12-month provisional period during which he or she shall be considered an associate member. Associate members shall be eligible for all rights and privileges of full membership with the exception of voting, and may remain associate members perpetually."

4. Section 3.5.2: Add: "Once lapsed membership dues are paid in full, the member will be eligible to vote on the first day of the following month. If membership has lapsed for 12 months, the member must apply for reinstatement. The member may be reinstated to Full or Associate membership at the discretion of the Board of Directors."

5. Section 3.5.4: Remove the word Expulsion. Add: "A former member may apply for membership as in section 3.3." Remove: "and filed with the Secretary"

6. Section 4.3: Change "these Bylaws" to "the Board". Add as Section

4.3 B: "Members eligible for balloting shall consist of the list of full members in good standing as of the first of the month during which the ballot takes place."

7. Section 6.4: Eliminate "Expenditures in excess of $99.00 must be approved by the president."

8. Add between Section 6.5 and 6.6 with renumbering of subsequent sections: Membership secretary: whose duties shall include but not be limited to 1) Maintaining an up to date record of members in good standing including type of membership, address, phone, email (optional) and date dues payments received. 2) Collecting and recording of membership dues received every January and forwarding them to the treasurer in a timely fashion. 3) Processing of applications for membership and sending each applicant a copy of ASCNE bylaws. 4) Producing a list of members qualified to vote in elections. 5) Producing mailing labels for newsletters, flyers and other club mailings. 6) Maintaining a record of terminated memberships for at least two years. 7) Placing a current membership list in the newsletter annually. 8) Receiving petitions for full membership, verifying that the petitioner has fulfilled requirements for full membership, and forwarding petitions to the Board of Directors.

9. Add Section 5.4: Votes of the Board of Directors may be taken by any of the following methods: Telephone, E-mail, U.S. mail, fax, or in person.