Minutes from the November 27th meeting at Jean Janotta's home in Raymond, NH.

Members present: Susan Winters, Robin Goodman, Joanne Karohl, Pam Parker, Joyce Towne, Gull Reidy, Pete Dolan, Jean Janotta, Celeste Kelly, Leslie Frank, Julie Najjar, Lyn Scribner, Karen Thurlow-Kimball, Diane and Andy Johnson, Matt Mason, Deb and Joe Adamczyk.

Susan Winters called the meeting to order at 12:25 p.m.

1. The Secretary's report was approved as read.

2. Sunshine report: Richard Grenon was in the hospital for awhile and is now at home. We wish him a speedy recovery. We received a nice note from Ann DeChant thanking us for the opportunity to judge in Georgia, and two notes from Judy Harrington and Lester Mapes, the judges for the November show, thanking us for having them judge.

3. Treasurer's report: The balances in the checkbooks are $20,998.33 in the regular account, and 4,462.60 in the rescue account. Harvest Moon Mania took in $16,053.50, with expenses so far of $14,511.74, for a profit of $1,541.76, with some expenses still coming in.
The Georgia pre-show took in $7,288.00, less expenses of about $6,945.45, for a profit of $342.55,
The Cranberry Classic took in $1,409.00, with expenses of $1,461.19, for a deficit of $52.19.

4. Affiliate report:
ASCA’s President Sandy Tubbs, finally lost her struggle with breast cancer and it was suggested that we make a donation to the Cee Hambo Scholarship Fund. After some debate it was decided that we should make a $250.00 annual donation to the Cee Hambo Scholarship Fund for junior members of ASCA going on to study Animal Sciences, and a $250.00 donation now in memory of Sandy. Also Sue Schroeder has resigned as affiliate rep., and we need a volunteer to take the remainder of her term (one-year).

5. Rescue: Kudos to the rescue committee for a job well done for our Rescue Program.
A discussion followed about keeping the rescue fund money intact for the dogs that we are still responsible for and it was decided that we would keep this fund, with money from the Rescue Show in March going to ARPH. There was also some discussion about how our program is not totally dismantled…for now though, we are referring any and all rescues to the ARPH reps. We also talked about how to make the ARPH program work within our membership. A list of ARPH reps will be included in the next newsletter, and information on how to be a foster home or volunteer is on the website

6. Event Updates:
August herding trial: went very well and turned a profit.
September HMM – Everything went smoothly.Everyone liked the one ring agility and Jean agreed to do that again next year.
October – Georgia Pre Show - The club received many many compliments on how smoothly it was run. Not a great profit, but we did not lose any money.
November Show – beautiful facility…the show was very nice.. Many thanks to Ann Chace.
The November Herding Trial in NY went well by all accounts.

2001 Events:
February 3 & 4 Show: will be at Canine Mastery, Seekonk, MA Altered Championship classes will be offered Need a hospitality volunteer…and a few stewards.
Rescue Benefit Show, March 17 & 18: will be at Paws N Effect, Hamden, CT. See Sheila Dolan or Val Jakubowski.
Fred Lanting Seminar, April 7: will be held at the Sturbridge Host Hotel, and is open to members and non-members. AM session: Hip dysplasia and other orthopedic disorders, PM session: Evaluating gait and structure A flyer is in this newsletter. Reduced fee for ASCNE members.
April 8 Breed Show, Fred Lanting judging: at the Sturbridge Host Hotel.
May 19 & 20 Herding Trial: FMI: Linc Keiser.
Bob Vest Clinics: June 7-9, sheep clinic, June 10, handlers clinic (no dogs), Gaylordsville, CT;
June 11-13, Matt Mason coordinates the sheep clinic in Salisbury NH. FMI: Tenley Dexter.
June 16 & 17 Obedience, Breed and Agility trial: at Canine Sports Center, Goshen, CT. K9 services will run the agility trial? FMI: Kathy Fragione.
August 18 & 19 herding trial: Warren, MA. FMI: Joe Adamczyk.
Harvest Moon Mania, October 12, 13 &14: Cathy Bakke and Warren Robinson will be herding course directors this year.
November show: will not be held this year, unless someone steps up to run it.

Possible new events for this year: tentatively a May duck trial at the Robinson's', also some possibility of trials at the Rempel's, the St. Jacques, and perhaps a duck trial at Chris St. Cyr/Sweeney's.

Old Business

7. New Members: We accepted the following new members into the club: Susanne and Jay DiGloria, and Julie Schaefer.

New Business
8. Member Applications: The following have applied for membership in ASCNE:
Member Sponsors
Gloria & Robert McComas Nancy Gagnon
Kathy Nielson
Leelaine Picker  Joanne Karohl
Alicia Campbell
Robin Gardell Emmy Adasiewicz
W. Stevens Parr
Joni Johnson Emmy Adasiewicz
W. Stevens Parr
Joyce Charron Emmy Adasiewicz 
W. Stevens Parr
Kathleen St. Charles Heather Braddock
Sue Winters

9. Breeder referral list: Cathy Bakke and Joanne Karohl will be working on a questionnaire for breeders. Any suggestions on this are welcome; please e-mail

10. Tracking: To help get tracking going under the club's auspices,
Celeste Kelly discussed plans for a tracking clinic to be held sometime in the spring, possibly at a site in N. Yarmouth. It would be open first to ASCNE members, and then to others.

The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m

Next Meeting: Sunday, January 5th at Sandy Johanson’s home in Medfield, MA
Respectfully submitted by Joanne Karohl