ASCNE Meeting at the Dolan’s home in No. Stonington, CT. July 9, 2000

Members present included Ann Chace, Susan Winters, Dottie Duclos, Sharon Parr, Stevens Parr, Joe and Debbie Adamczyk, Cindy King, Billy King, Warren Robinson, Tenley Dexter, Wendy Dreyer, Sharon Ruppel, Cathy Bakke, Gull Reidy, Peter and Sheila Dolan, Mary Ann and Joe Stoddart, Dee Williamson, Peter Kontos, Sue and Maarten Walter, Diane Dodge, and guest Kathleen Walsh.

Meeting called to order 12:47pm by Susan Winters

Secretarys report was accepted as read. Joanne Karohl had surgery recently and couldn’t attend. Our wishes for a speedy recovery.

Treasurers report…May Herding trial made $600. June show was a big success, roughly $6,000 profit. Donation to Rescue from weave pole raffle and Bob Amen contribution was $366.

Sunshine: Card sent to Fran Tardiff…her husband passed away on the way home from Goshen show. Cards may be sent to 124 Gray Corner Rd. Woolrich, ME 04579.

Denise Knight is moving back to the area.

Library: Donations this month were: "Beyond Basic Dog Training" by Diane Bauman and "Open and Utility Training" by Jack and Wendy Volhard. The 2000 Aussie Annual has been ordered and we will order the ASCA promo tape. Cindy asked for suggestions for an agility and tracking book.

Rescue Report:
Sheila reports that we have Zippy…a 17 month blue male in foster care. Very active, smart and energetic.
Val Jakubowski has a blue 8-month-old male and Striker, a black bi female is with Catherine Oldham in VT.

Affiliate report:
Sue Walter reported on the changes in membership categories for ASCA, and we as a club voted on these changes. The referendum questions and candidates were voted on as well. The 3 candidates (Pete Adolphson, Jerry Aufox and Christine Davenport) were all voted for with a majority for each, and the referendum questions were voted as follows: Keep the registry open?
12 yes, 11 no. Should the hardship registry be amended to allow AKC reg. dogs? 11 yes, 12 no and should the registry investigate accepting dogs through Hardship that are only registered through a foreign registry?
18 yes and 4 no. We voted unanimously on the Aussie Times subscription question, and voted 20 yes to 1 no on the question of whether to split the membership categories. We then voted unanimously again on whether to elect a Treasurer for ASCA. Sue Walter will send in our ballot for the club.
Also new in the ASCA program is the Altered Championship. Starting in January 2001, there will be additional classes for spayed and neutered dogs to compete for a championship amongst themselves.
It will be run just like the regular classes, but after Best of Breed. It will be a 2-year mandatory program.
It will start with Schedule 1 for points and any points aquired before the dog was fixed will be carried over towards the new program. So startingwith our February 3rd and 4th, 2001 show this program will be offered.

Event Updates:
June: Bob Vest Herding Clinic and Trial…very successful both in CT and NH. Tenley reports that the trial is too much and will not have it next year, but that they are very pleased with the turnout and success of the clinic.
June: Breed, Obedience and Agility..Diane Dodge reports that the show was a success, she thanked Kathi Fragione and Jean Janotta for the tremendous amount of work they both did to make this show run smoothly. The hotels were already booked last year for a wedding and a balloon festival and next year we will block out rooms ahead of time.
September15, 16, &17 Harvest Moon Mania is coming along fine…Peter Dolan will build the three contact obstacles for the agility ring(cost of materials only) and then they will be raffled off for Rescue after the show. Peter Kontos made a motion to accept the offer and Sue Winters seconded.
August Herding trial: Deb and Joe report that everything is set and ready to go.
October 9 The Pre National show is also coming along nicely…we are getting Tee shirts for the show committee from Wear Guard with our logo on it…anyone who is going that hasn’t contacted Sue Winters, please do so before July 27 to get your size shirt. ( or 508-285-2847)
November 11 & 12: The show is being held at Miss Canine Manners in Franklin, MA. Ann Chace is the show chairman and needs the usual help.

Old Business:

New Members: We voted to accept the new members, Carrie Neri, Diane McCormick, Cheryl Oeting, Valerie Nelson, Laurie Beauchet, Debra Duarte, Alice Gray and Douglas Gray Jr.
New Applications
Christine Taylor Nancy Gagnon
Kathy Nielson
Kathleen Walsh  Ann Chace
Sue Winters
Meredith Lunn  Sheila Dolan
Janet Mack
Lynda Burstein  Nancy Gagnon
Kathy Nielson
Eileen Scully  Heather Braddock
Gail Duval
Michael Sheehan 
Patricia Niece 
Wendy Dryer
Matthew Mason, DVM
Laura Kirk 
Jennifer Kirk 
Sue Walter
Robin Prouty
Jessica Van Der Feen  Sheila Dolan
Ann Chace

Donations committee: no report

Breeder Referral Agreement is in the latest newsletter…Sue Winters would like to have it back by Aug 1 so she can type it up and have it ready to send out.

Membership List: The membership and phone list will be in the next newsletter.

New Business:

Wear Guard has also donated a briefbag with our logo on it…Together with the jacket, we will raffle them off in March at the Rescue show.

Tracking Clinic: Maarten Walter asked if there was interest in a tracking clinic with Ralph Swingle, the originator of the ASCA tracking program. He will investigate how, when, where etc.

Obedience: MaryAnn Stoddart suggested we go only to pre entry for obedience at our shows with no more walk ins the day of show. After some discussion we came to the conclusion that is up to the show chairs whether they want to do this or not if they have room for entries the day of show.

Obedience Trial: MaryAnn and Fran Swanson would also like to put on an obedience only show weekend and will investigate sites and dates.

By Laws Changes: The board of directors met on June 17 and have proposed changes in the ASCNE bylaws which will be included in this newsletter. Please read them over carefully and contact any board member for questions. Discussion will be held at the August 27th meeting at Susan Winters home.

New 2001 Schedule:

February 3 & 4 Canine Mastery, Seekonk MA Breed and Obedience
March 17 & 18 Rescue shows…Breed and Obedience, CT
April 7th Seminar with Fred Lanting…Sturbridge, MA
April 8th…Conformation shows with Fred Lanting judging
May 19&20 Herding Trial W.Brookfield, MA
June 16&17 Breed, Obedience, and Agility, Goshen CT
June: Bob Vest Herding Clinic CT and NH
August: 18&19 Herding Trial, Warren, MA
October 12, 13, &14 Harvest Moon Mania, Breed, Obedience, Herding and Agility Westfield, MA

Meetings: Tenative Schedule

Sunday Jan 7, Sandy Johanson’s home in Medfield, MA
Sunday March 4 is the ROM luncheon
Sunday May 20 at the herding trial
Sunday July 8th at the Dolan’s in CT
Sept 9th Allison Smith’s?
November 18?

Help Wanted: We will need a new show coordinator next year as Ann Chace is retiring in January. This is a very easy way to contribute to the club, you are able to show, most of the paperwork is done from home and you just have to be deadline and detail oriented.

Publicity: Joyce Leach has volunteered to do the mailings for flyers and maintain the data base for labels. Thank you Joyce, a very generous gift of time and effort for the club.

Motion to adjourn at 3:09pm.