Minutes from the January 16th meeting at the Adamczyck's, Warren, MA.
Members present: Susan Winters, Joanne Karohl, Cindy King, Maarten Walter,Joe Adamczyk, Debbie
Adamczyk, Gull Reidy, Mary Ann Stoddart, Joe Stoddart, Terry Andrews, Emmy Adasiewicz, Pete Dolan, Sharon Parr, Stevens Parr, MattMason, John C. Yarmac III, Linc Keiser.

Susan Winters called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.

1. The Secretary's report was approved as read.

2. Treasurer's report: The general account stands at $17,621.62, and the rescue account stands at $1,705.84.
MJ has an envelope with Rescue checks so that figure will change. Everyone is reminded that annual dues are, as it were, are due. You need to be up on your membership to maintain your newsletter and to vote in club matters.

3. Sunshine Report: We all hope that Sue Winters' knee surgery went well and she is back on her feet soon. Tom Couture has recovered from his heart attack and is doing well

4. Affiliate Report: Please note that the new mailing address and E-mail address for the Business Office is in the Aussie Times.

5. Library: We have received our copies of Leader of the Pack, the 1999 Aussie Annual and the GeorgePadgett Genetic Book.

6. Rescue Report: Mary Jane reported that we have placed about 25 dogs this year, and have had couple of dogs returned to be rehomed again. We have declined about 20 dogs, mostly biters. It was suggested that we resume the policy of making all those who adopt rescue dogs newsletter members for a year; MJ will send e-mail to Dottie.

7. Event Updates:
February 5&6th show: Everything is all set. March 5 awards meeting: A flyer will be sent to all members-the meeting will be at DiMaio's in Whately. RSVP's will be needed. This is to be more social, less meeting, and we encourage inviting members who don't usually come to meetings to attend. This event is club subsidized. Many thanks to Mary Anne for organizing it!
March 25&26th Rescue Benefit show: We can still use stewards, a Hospitality chair, donations for the benefit Chinese Auction, and more prizes; contact Val Jakubowski.860-859-0103
May 13&14th Herding trial: Judge is tentatively Rachel Vest; awaiting approval.
June Bob Vest clinic …Flyers and reminders about the closing dates will be in the newsletter.
10-12th: ASCNE sheep clinic at Tenley Dexter's
13th: ASCNE cattle clinic at Linc Keiser's
14-17th: NESA clinic at Janet Benson's
18th: ASCNE trial
20-22nd: ASCNE clinic at Matt Mason's
June show: coming along. Jean Janotta needs a chief ring steward for agility.
August trial: Joe Adamczyck reports that we have a judge
September Once in a Blue Moon show: We have a herding course director; clinics and livestock are under discussion; herding judges are all set.
There will be one ring of Aussie-only ASCA/ NADAC agility.
October Nationals Pre-Show: Sue Winters had a flyer for proofreading. The club was asked if they would help with agility one day in Georgia. . Cindy King asked for clarification on which categories of members will not be showing that day; it was decided that all categories (full, honorary, and junior members) would not be showing that day.
November 11&12th show: changed from RI…new location TBA….Judges have been hired. Ann Chace
show chair..

Old Business
8. New Members: We accepted the following new members into the club: Michael & Gail Rempel Karyn & Richard Jones, Lecia & Jordan Whitlock, David & Linda Lewis, Diane Sobel Meyer. Incidentally, Gail Rempel will be holding a herding clinic in March at her home at 16 Ross Rd., Danielson CT.

9. Nominating Committee: The committee reports that there were no ties this year, and there was 53.4% participation.
Susan Winters….President
Maarten Walter...Vice President
Susan Walter…..Affilliate Rep.
Dottie Duclos…..Treasurer
Joanne Karohl…..Secretary
Cathy Bakke….Board Member
Dr. Matthew Mason.…Board Member

10. Newsletters: The newsletter will be out sooner… Please get materials for the newsletter to Launa well before the deadline to expedite this.

11. AKC pre-National Show: Stevens discovered that the ASCA Rules and Regulations do not cover this issue; thus the issue has been sent to Jo Kimes and the ASCA Board of Directors. The ballot for membership voting on the issue will go out anyway. Joanne will be handling this. Deb has the balloting procedure; there is a 30-day limit for returns, and results will be announced in the newsletter.

12. Charitable donations: We currently make a number of donations annually, including $600 in 2000 to the National Stockdog finals, and a class sponsorship at Nationals. Other possible donations might includethe Cee Hambo Scholarship Fund (for junior members of ASCA for any continuing education), STARR, and ARPH. Cindy King agreed to chair a committee on charitable contributions; she will accept suggestions and volunteers by phone. Maarten volunteered to be on the committee.

New Business

13. Member Applications: The following have applied for membership in ASCNE:
Member Sponsors
Carol Beauparlant Heather Braddock
Gail Duval

Debra Keach Sue Winters
Ann Chace

Gail Mirabella Tina-Walsh-Spivey
Val Jakubowski

Christine Porter Sheila Dolan
Chris Davenport

14. Sanctioned Duck and Jackpot Goose Trial: Maarten proposed this event for a weekend around March 18 at the Walter's. Lori Middleton has agreed to judge. Motion to hold this event was seconded and carried.

15. Rescue: Blanket indemnity letters need to be updated. STARR's Leona Stabler has taken over for Kyle Trumbell Clark. Especially for Pets is holding Pet Adoption Days in their stores; we plan to attend with educational material. Dates are TBA.

16. A Post-advanced trial is proposed; we have never had one in New England. It could be held at Lynette Millville's. This could be held in conjunction with a fun trial for the other levels to defray expenses. This idea is still in the talking stage. It was suggested to go forward with thinking about the idea, with particular attention to when it might be held.

17. Obedience-only trial: Mary Anne proposed that we consider an all obedience trial, possibly with a Show and Go to be held after the regular classes. E-mail Mary Anne with any input on this idea.

18. Mary Anne also mentioned adding some e-mail addresses to the web site as hot links to help her field the increasing volume of inquiries we are getting. Perhaps this could be divided by state or by area of expertise.
Lynne Dunbrack has an education packet as an e-mail attachment; perhaps this could be available on the site. Maarten volunteered to look into creating an e-mail account for the affilliate rep to get out ASCNE info.

19. Sue Winters solicited ideas for a seminar in 2001. Suggestions included another type genetics seminar, canine locomotion, PennHIP, and pet first aid and CPR. She will try to contact Fred Lanting for his seminar on hip dysplasia and movement.

20. Matt volunteered to assemble a dog and livestock first aid box for shows and trials. It was noted that a vet needs to be on call for all events. We will have one for Harvest Moon this year.

21. John Yarmac mentioned that he now has possession of the legendary HMM food wagon; the possibilities are mind-boggling .

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: March 5 at DiMaio's Restaurant, Whately, MA.

Respectfully submitted by Joanne Karohl