Minutes from the Aug 27th meeting at Susan Winters home in Norton, MA.

Members present: Susan Winters, Joanne Karohl, Gull Reidy, Pete Dolan,
Cathy Bakke, George Griffin, JoAnn Griffin, Cindi Robinson, Linda Gray,
Dottie Duclos, Jean Janotta, Kathleen Walsh.

Susan Winters called the meeting to order at 12:48 p.m.

1. The Secretary's report was approved as read.

2. Sunshine report: A card was sent to Emmy A.

3. Treasurer's report: The balance in the checkbooks is $19,040.03. The
August show took in $1835, with expenses of $1,544.01, for a profit of
$299.99. The Bob Vest clinics took in $5311.00, less expenses of about
$4427.00, for a profit of $884.00. The June trial took in $1120.00, with
expenses of $795.27, for a profit of $324.73.

4. Rescue Report: The rescue coordinators had a retreat on 8/22/00, and
sent a letter to be read at the meeting and printed in the newsletter. The
four coordinators will be resigning as of 11/1/00.There was a discussion of
the pros and cons of operating our own rescue operation vs. giving support
and cooperation to the ARPH representatives in New England. It was noted
that we could be a big help to ARPH while letting them take final
responsibility for rescue. It was suggested that we might donate the Rescue
account (all or part) to ARPH and pass on adopters, foster homes and dogs.
The issue will be discussed further at the November 19th meeting.

5. Affiliate report: The club is pleased to note that Chris Davenport is
now an ASCA board member. Linda Gray will be retiring as a board member as
of October.

6. Event Updates:
August herding trial: went very well and turned a profit.
HMM: is moving along. The English Shepherd Club members will be in
October National Pre-show: Entries are a bit lower than expected this
year, perhaps for geographical reasons. T-shirts for workers and briefcases
for the judges were displayed to universal acclaim. The question of
ordering additional t-shirts for purchase by members not attending was
raised; Linda Gray will research details. An order form for jackets will be
in the next newsletter.
November 11-12 Cranberry Classic: arrangements are proceeding as planned.

Old Business

7. New Members: We accepted the following new members into the club:
Christine Taylor, Kathleen Walsh, Meredith Lunn, Lynda Burstein, Eileen Scully, Michael Sheehan, Patricia Niece, Laura Kirk and Jennifer Kirk, Jessica Van Der Feen.

New Business

8. Member Applications: The following have applied for membership in ASCNE:
Member  Sponsors
Susanne & Jay DiGloria  Sue Walter
Susan Winters
Julie Schaefer Sheila Dolan
Ann Chace

9. Breeder referral list: The new list was passed out. It was suggested
that we add more information about each breeder, such as the number of
litters produced each year, the types of screening test done on breeding
stock, the types of activities that each breeders dogs typically engage in.
Also Joanne Karohl volunteered to write some general consumer education
information, such as questions to ask oneself before deciding that the
Aussie is actually the right breed, and questions to ask a breeder before
deciding to purchase a dog from that person. Any suggestions on this are
welcome; please e-mail

10. Show coordinator : Mary Ann has volunteered to be the show coordinator
for one year

11. Bylaw changes: the changes previously printed in the minutes were
discussed. The board would like to emphasize that these changes are
designed to encourage more participation and involvement of the members. It
was suggested that we require all voting members of ASCNE to belong to
ASCA, and that provisional (or subscription) members be extended all
privileges of membership except voting. It was noted the Family membership
category in the bylaws is incorrectly represented on the membership
application. A new Membership Secretary position was proposed to perform
duties pertaining to membership, including maintaining the membership list,
sending out applications and monitoring whether eligibility to vote is
maintained. Cathy Bakke volunteered both to write a description of this
position for the Bylaws, and to fill the new position. All these changes will be considered further at the next

12. Show hospitality: It was suggested that we encourage more outreach to
newcomers at our shows. We might include some literature at the rescue
booth, and all try to seek out and talk to those obviously new to the show

13. There is the possibility of a trial to be held at Debby St. Jacques ,

14. Agility business: Pete Dolan mentioned investigating the use of an
agility trial service (Canine Sports Services) for the June agility trial.
Also the Agility committee will be meeting with the ASCA Board at the
Nationals; if there is anything to bring up, please contact Pete Dolan.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Next Meeting: November 19 at Jean Jannotta's, Raymond, NH.

Respectfully submitted by Joanne Karohl
